Your Prayer Coach Book Reviews

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Thank you so much for all of you who gave a review.


  1. Rachel Limas says:

    January 25, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    Dear Pinky,

    Your book is a anointed book from HaShems Heart. Just want to thank you for writing this book. It has already blessed us as a family. We would like to purchase more books from you. This would be a great gift for Chanukah.

    Love, in Yeshua Rachel L.

  2. Thanks so much for your message Rachel.

  3. Pinky,

    Thank you for being God's vessel, this is a powerful tool to fight the good fight, an excellent book to keep besides your bed. I 100% recommend it to buy this book if you are a God's warrior.

    Tere Reyna.

  4. Thank you Tere! It is a pleasure to fight the good fight of faith with you!

  5. Your Prayer Coach book is one of a kind. It could inspire newly converted people who wants to pray but at a loss of what words to say. What is more inspiring is, its words are mostly from the Bible. Its like talking to God and at the same time God is talking to you. I thank God for using you to be of help to newbies to the faith.

  6. Thank you so much for your inspiring review!

  7. My dear Pinky, I find the word of Adonai to pure, quick and sharper than the two-edged sword. It has been such an encouragement to me, and those that I have shared it with. Even the veteran prayer warriors can need help holding up their arms. The precious words of life in your book do that! Shuri

    1. Thanh you Shuri for sharing what GOD'S. WORD mean to you. It. is an encouragement.
